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Workshops! Devise some workshops - maybe have a selection. e.g.

Creative Writing for Stage, Page and Screen

A two hour work shop that covers writing format and styles. Encouraging students to write and experiment with ideas and concepts through games and exercises to find the form that suits them best. Allowing students to experience their writing when it's performed.

Approaching text as a director 

Visualise and direct text and explore the different approaches to both. Look at existing famous text and devised texts.

Devising and composing workshop

Creative a piece as a whole class. Score it together. (Danger though, finding instruments and letting kids break them - Maybe see if the school supplies)

Flesh these ideas out, find resources for them. 

Age appropriate - have a range - cater for profanity in text.

Try and get it to be fun.

State CRB checks, previous teaching experience, A* grades.

Introductory - cover a lot 



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